Brewery, Bar & Brasserie in CPH

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Welcome to a new adventure in the Meatpacking District in Copenhagen. We cannot wait to welcome you all.  

In October 2020, we could announce one of our biggest projects to date: a combined brewery, bar and brasserie in the heart of Copenhagen’s Meatpacking District (Kødbyen). ÅBEN has been fortunate to experience an increasing demand for our beers since the brewery started in 2017 and the passion for beers have turned into a growing desire for creating experiences. With bars in Aarhus, Roskilde and a Summer pop up in Copenhagen, we can no longer meet demands solely with the brewery in Kolding. Therefore, we are extremely excited about taking over the historical buildings of Slagtehusgade 15, bringing new life to the buildings through an experience-led brewery, bar and restaurant. Our brewing capacity will increase sixfold enabling us to provide you with a wider selection of beers throughout the year. 

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For everyone who has been at the ÅBEN Summer Pop Up in 2020 the location might seem familiar, as this is the building behind where the Pop Up took place. The project is a full transformation of the building as it stands raw and untouched. It is central for us to preserve the raw look of the premise and use its history to enrich and educate every guest that enters the building. ÅBEN is founded on the mantra of openness, which is why we want to create a space where you are at the centre of the brewing process. As a guest you will eat and drink below the beer tanks and have full visibility to the kitchen and brewery. You will be able to hear the sounds of beers bubbling in the tanks while enjoying a high end meal in a relaxed atmosphere. 

It is set to open in the beginning of 2022 - if all goes after plan. In the meantime, you are all invited for tours of the premise to follow the transformation of the historical site - as soon as it becomes possible in relation to government’s restrictions that is. More information about this through our social channels, where you can follow all updates of the project.


ÅBEN Taster Box