Exclusive Beer Release
Today is a day of celebration. It is the end of most COVID restrictions here in Denmark. We have all been waiting for it. What a relief. ÅBEN is celebrating the re-opening with two new beers.
New Red Floor
The SHG15 project has not been on holiday over Christmas and New Year. In fact, quite the opposite. A lot has happened since the last update and if you haven’t guessed it from the header already the biggest visual change is the bright red epoxy floor.
Making Progress
Winter in Denmark seems never-ending some days. But with the winter solstice here, the darkest days are now in the past and you can look towards spring, sun, beers, and a new ÅBEN brewery.
4. søndag i advent: Ølbraiseret spidsbryst & rød spidskål m. Triple IPA
Thomas er en god ven af ÅBEN familien, og måske du allerede er stødt på ham til et event på Pop-up’en. Til ÅBENs adventskalender har Thomas givet sig i kast med Triple IPA ølbraiseret spidsbryst og en af julens favoritter - rødkål.
Beer Cocktails for New Year’s Eve 2022
Celebrating New Years always comes with good food and something great to drink. If you want to try something different to welcome the year of 2022 these beer cocktails will definitely impress both you and your party.
3. søndag i advent: Ølkage m. appelsinsmør & New England IPA
Amalie & Sophia står bag Aarhus kaffebaren HVERDAG, der med fokus på økologi, bæredygtighed og kvalitet ønsker at skabe et rum med plads til hverdagens forskellige stunder. De har lavet denne lækre ølkage med ÅBENs signatur øl, Bryg 61.
2. søndag i advent: Steak & Stout pie
Timm Vladimir er om nogen en, der ved noget om mad og øl, og kombinationen i hans Steak & Stout Pie til ÅBENs adventskalender rammer helt plet.
1. søndag i advent: Rugbrød med West Coast IPA
Som nabo til ÅBENs pop up i Kødbyen er Niels teamets favorit bager. Til ÅBENs adventskalender har Niels lavet en opskrift på en lækkert rugbrød med West Coast IPA’en, Cloudless.
UK Collab Tour 2021
In week 45, ÅBEN travelled over seas to brew some exciting new beers with good friends in the UK. We brewed with Pomona Island, Rivington Brewing co and Mikkeller Brewpup.
SHG15 Building Model
The construction of the new ÅBEN brewery is well in motion and it’s exciting to see the process moving forward. We received these beautiful images of the SHG15 Building Model that gives a new and unique view into the facilities.
Christmas Beers 2021
Santa has been busy brewing 4 different Christmas beers for you this year. Four very different beer styles to cater every palate, from the citrusy and hoppy IPA, the dark and sweet pastry stout, and a refreshing our Berliner Weisse with cherries.
ÅBEN Advent Calendar
This year at ÅBEN we have decided to combine beer and food into recipes that you enjoy and try. We have teamed up with good friends to create 4 recipes, one for each Sunday in Advent - all made with the ÅBEN beers you can find in the ÅBEN Christmas Box.
ÅBEN will be pouring beers at this years Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen. The two Wild Ales called “Beach House #1” and “Beach House #2” have been brewed exclusively for MBCC and have been underway for 2,5 years.
ÅBEN Aarhus / Festuge
ÅBEN Aarhus participated in the 2021 edition of Aarhus Festuge. A full week with events around the city and also at the bar in Rosensgade 28.
O / Day Fest: Early Bird Tickets Now on Sale
Tickets of O / Day Fest has been release and you can secure your ticket to get access to all three days. Get an Early Bird Ticket to save 400 DKK.
ÅBEN X Copenhagen Beer Week 2021
ÅBEN participated in this year’s Copenhagen Beer Week. An initiative that sets to gather Danish breweries and the beer loving community to celebrate the world of beer.
We have been anticipating this moment for months now and finally it’s here. The Building Permit for the new ÅBEN SHG15 brewery is here and it’s now time to start building.
Partnering w. the Design Platform Ukurant
We're happy to announce that ÅBEN is partnering up with Ukurant - a creative community and exhibition platform for young designers who aims to challenge the future of Danish design.
A Trip to the North / Hop City 2021
Earlier this August, ÅBEN was invited to this year’s Hop City in Leeds together with some of the world’s leading breweries within IPAs. Thankful for the exciting opportunity, this might also lead to some thrilling news soon…